这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1752期:云南一技校学生持械伤人 致1死11伤

词汇语 人气:2.83W





A student attacked and injured 12 people around noon Friday in a College in Anning city of Yunnan province. One of the wounded died after being sent to hospital, according to a release from the local government.



the wounded died after being sent to hospital是伤者经送医抢救无效死亡。
这起事件发生在云南交通技师学院(Yunnan Traffic Technician College),造成该校10名学生、2名教师受伤,除一名伤者抢救无效之外,其余伤者(the remaining injured)伤势较轻无生命危险(not life threatening)。
通报表示,犯罪嫌疑人杨某现岁20岁,为该校二年级学生(sophomore),当天中午杨某在该校教学楼(teaching building)内持械伤人(attacked people with a weapon),现已被公安机关控制(be apprehended by the police)。
目前案件正在进一步调查中(A further investigation is ongoing.)。

这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1752期:云南一技校学生持械伤人 致1死11伤
