这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1794期:西安公交杀人案凶犯辛海平一审获死刑 曾致4死7伤

词汇语 人气:1.18W





Xin Haiping, who killed four and injured seven on a bus in June, was sentenced to death for the crime of intentional homicide and deprived of his political rights for life by a court in Xi'an, Shaanxi province on Friday



the crime of intentional homicide是故意杀人罪。
经审理查明,被告人辛海平自称乘坐公交车时被人恶意扎针(be attacked with a "malicious injection")染上重病(fall seriously ill),遂产生报复(seek revenge)社会泄愤的恶念。
2018年6月22日15时许,被告人辛海平携带提前购买的作案刀具从乘坐302路公交车,当该车行驶至西安市未央区三桥街办红光路西凹里村铁路闸口时,持刀对车上人员进行砍杀(slash people with a knife),并追至车下继续砍杀乘客及路人(alighted the bus and chased passengers and passersby),致4人死亡,7人轻伤。
西安市中级人民法院(Intermediate People's Court)认为,被告人辛海平为报复社会(revenge on society),持刀砍杀公交车上乘客、过路群众,致多人死亡和轻伤,犯罪手段特别残忍(cruel),情节特别恶劣,后果特别严重(brought particularly serious consequences),人身危险性极大(thisindividual is highly dangerous),遂以故意杀人罪判处被告人辛海平死刑(sentenced to death),剥夺政治权利终身(deprived of political rights for life)。

这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1794期:西安公交杀人案凶犯辛海平一审获死刑 曾致4死7伤
