
词汇语 人气:495



词语: clutch

解释: 掌握

词典: 心理学专业英汉词典

clutch 相关解释

clutch 〔名词〕离合器,连接,握

clutch 〔名词〕离合器

clutch 〔名词〕夹住,爪,离合器

clutch 〔名词〕离合器,离合器,联轴器,夹紧装置

clutch 〔名词〕离合器,联动器,扳手

clutch 〔名词〕夹住,爪,离合器

clutch 离合器

clutch 离合器,联轴器

clutch 离合器,联动器

clutch 〔名词〕离合器,套管

clutch 〔名词〕黑人使用的汽车;n.离合器

掌握 be in control of;got the run of

掌握 gain the upper hand of;get a grip of;get the run of;get the upper hand of;got a grip of;got the run of;gotten a grip of;gotten the run of;gripe;had well in hand;have the upper hand of;have well in hand;in control of;kept track of

掌握 get the run of;gets the run of;got the run of;gotten the run of;handling;lay hold on

掌握 grip;had well in hand;have a grasp of;have well in hand;wield

掌握 get the run of;gets the run of;got the run of;gotten the run of

掌握 grasp;gripe

掌握 be in control of;exercise mastery over;gain the upper hand;get a grip of;get the run of;got a grip of;got the run of;gotten a grip of;gotten the run of;had well in hand;have a grasp of;have control of;have the upper hand of

掌握 hold

掌握 hold