这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1324期:宁泽涛因违纪被调整出国家队

词汇语 人气:1.29W





BEIJING - World champion Ning Zetao has violated the rules of the Chinese national swimming team and was turned back to his original Chinese Navy team for training, confirmed the Chinese swimming authority in a statement here on Wednesday.



World champion是世界冠军;Chinese national swimming team是中国国家游泳队。
国家体育总局游泳运动管理中心(Swimming Management Center of the General Adminstration of Sport of China)表示,“宁泽涛严重违反了中国游泳协会相关规定(violate the rules of the national swimming team),给国家队的建设造成了不良影响(resulted in adverse effect on the team),经研究,决定从即日起调整宁泽涛回海军队训练(turned back for training to his previous team)”。
声明还指出,“体育重视规则,规则面前人人平等。为教育本人,加强国家队管理(strengthen the team management),促进中国游泳事业健康发展(promote the healthy development of the sport in China),国家游泳队做出了上述决定。希望宁泽涛能够从这件事情中吸取教训,深刻认识并改正问题,国家游泳队的大门(the door of the national swimming team)始终为那些有才华、有志于为国争光、愿意为中国游泳事业做出贡献(willing to make contribution to the swimming sport in China)的运动员敞开。”
将宁泽涛从国家队“除名”的“红头文件”的时间是2016年10月18日,文中提及的“私接广告”,即宁泽涛去年私自签约某品牌一事,而该品牌是国家队赞助商竞争品牌(signed sponsorship in private without consent of the team);“不服从安排”(refused to comply with the competition assignment of the team)和“拒绝参赛”则应是指去年4月全国冠军赛暨里约热内卢奥运会达标赛期间,宁泽涛以身体状况为由拒绝参加4X200米自由泳接力比赛(declined to take part in an Olympic qualifying relay event),导致中国男队最终以微弱差距失去该项目奥运参赛资格。
昨天在接受媒体采访时,宁泽涛本人表示“从没有人向我提起过这份文件,更别说是正式通知”(notification)。同时也坦承早在去年9月19日他就因为身体原因(physical problems)递交了“退出国家游泳队的情况说明”(hand in his letter to exit the national team)。

这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1324期:宁泽涛因违纪被调整出国家队
