
词汇语 人气:2.45W


accomplishment/success/achievement。例句:It caused him to seek to embellish his most incontestable achievements这使他想对自己最无可争议的成就加以吹嘘。


"If you don't aim high, you will never hit high"
目标不高,成就不大Our accomplishments; our hometown.
我们的成就;我们的家乡How inconclusive its attainment seemed!
这个成就显得多么不得要领!The apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment.
阿波罗计划与其说是一项科学成果,不如说是一项技术成就。We adore him for his integrity and brilliant diplomatic accomplishment.
我们因他的正直和辉煌的外交成就而敬重他。As a healer of the spirit I have succeeded beyond my hopes and my deserts
作为医治精神疾病的医生,我的成就超越了自己的期望与功德。With the newly developed hairdye, you may only dye your hair once to make it look natural in colour for a long time.
染发品中新成就,一次成色,染发逼真,牢度持久。Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry amount of my muscles do I flex.
脑力、体能稍加开发,就能超过以往的任何成就。It caused him to seek to embellish his most incontestable achievements
这使他想对自己最无可争议的成就加以吹嘘。The academy was founded in 1927 and began making awards for achievement in categories of film making in 1929.

n. 成就;技艺;专长;完成

an accomplished singer
技艺高超的歌唱家My tutor is an accomplished scholar.
我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。an accomplished pianist; a complete musician.

n. 成功;成就;胜利;成功者,成功的事迹

You will be successful if you abide by the principle of is subjacent to success.
这是成功的基础。result in success

n. 完成;成就;成绩

Achievement goals theory is the advance subject of achievement motivation.
成就目标理论是成就动机研究的前沿课题。是目标设置研究的延伸。This achievement cannot be bettered.
这一成就好得不能再好了。He has achieved the aim.