
词汇语 人气:505



词语: 不相信

解释: made a mouth at

词典: 航空专业汉英词典

不相信 相关解释

made a mouth at 〔动名词〕不相信,做怪相

made a mouth at 〔动名词〕不相信,做怪相

made a mouth at 〔动名词〕不相信,做怪相

不相信 〔名词〕disbelief

不相信 be skptic of

不相信 be incredulous of;be skptic of;does not doubt that;had doubts about;have doubts about;have no faith in;in disbelief;lose belief in;lose trust in;made a mouth at;made a mouth upon;make a mouth at;make a mouth upon;take no stock in

不相信 skeptical